Thursday, October 16, 2014

New Guests, New Religion

Aryans migrating to India
       Aryans, which are the Indo European people crossed the Indus River Valley and settled into India as how it's shown on the map. Since new people were brought, the country was upon violence and disorder.  Their biggest conflicts were with the people who originally lived in India, aka Dasas. In order to rule them, they made a social class structure called "The Caste System", which later on led to a new religion, Hinduism. The Caste System originally known as Varnas, separated Indian society into 4 groups: 1)Brahmins 2)Kshatriya 3)Vaishya 4)Sudra; along the Dalits who lived outside the caste system and were considered  unclean. Now it's more than 3,000 years old and still on action by Hindus. 

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