Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Enlightened One

The Buddha

This is the Buddha, first human being to reach enlightenment. Budha is reffered as Siddharta Guatama which is the founder of Buddhism. When he was a kid, Siddharta's mother saw a dream that a child will be born which destined to become the greatest ruler or an enlightenment being. The destined child was prince Siddharta. His father, the king wanted him to be the greatest ruler, so he didn't want his child to go out and see the world,the pain and the suffering.One day when Siddharta was walking around the palace he saw an old man, a sick man and a dying man. Eventually he realized the suffering in the world and wondered why. He left the palace to seek answers to his questions and after 40 years of meditation, pain, fasting he got his answers and reached enlightenment. He showed the way for others and after he was dead he got worshiped by his followers which are the Buddhists.

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